Clear Hills is a premium cattle breeding enterprise and is located in Captains Flat in NSW's Monaro region. Featuring 1100 hectares of pastoral land with over two kilometres of prime river frontage to Townies Creek and the Queanbeyan River, Clear Hills plays a strategic role in AAAW Group's entire livestock operation and paddock-to-plate supply chain system.

The property brings with it hundreds of stories that link its heritage to Monaro's rich pastoral history.

After enduring many years of decline, we made a long-term commitment to restore and preserve the land back to its former glory — an approach that has also been at the forefront of our pastoral development planning and full-scale livestock production.

We constantly look for ways to effectively use our natural resources and minimise environmental impact, and optimise the natural qualities and provenance our pastures bring to each cut of our premium meat.

We also address other ecological risks and efficiencies in conjunction with expert teams of agronomists and pastoralists — ways that allow us to improve upon the diversity and consistency of our pastures and crops, and sustain the fertility and nutrient dynamics of our soil. As a result of our intensive farming and good stewardship practices, we have successfully cultivated 354 hectares of superior forage rape and wheat crop to support our livestock production.


In the same way, our advanced farming techniques and meticulous animal welfare practices are integral to the economic performance of our ISO accredited cattle operation.

It is our synergy with the Monaro land that embodies the very excellence and value of our exceptional grain and grass fed beef production.

Clear Hills is run solely by Jason Harrington and Ciara Murphy who spent four years at Brindley Park as livestock managers. Supporting them during the sowing season are local contractors from the broader Monaro region.

Jason, Ciara and their young family live in the original homestead on the property, which was used as a film set in the Australian film classic, My Brilliant Career.